Who We Are

Great Prospects, Inc. provides Therapeutic Programming for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities. Great Prospects, Inc. helps participants continue to grow and thrive, and young adults make the critical transition to the adult world while learning to become contributing members of the community.

Public schools generally do a good job of providing for the education and development of young people with disabilities up to age 21. But what happens once they age out of the school system? Families face the big question – what’s next? That is where Great Prospects, Inc. comes in – to support that critical transition to the adult world.

Individuals who stay home after high school can have a heartbreaking story. Many are withdrawn, have lost the basic social and life skills that they developed while in school, and lack the quality of life that Great Prospects, Inc. participants gain.

The “transition gap” is a huge issue in the special needs community and Great Prospects, Inc. is one of the few programs in the Atlanta area focused on helping individuals and their families with this gap. We serve individuals ranging in age from 20-40 who match our eligibility criteria.

Unlike other programs, we are open 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. This allows parents and guardians to know their son or daughter is having a great day while they are at work.


Our Mission

To provide meaningful connections for individuals with disabilities through continued educational enrichment, social interaction, community outreach and challenging recreational programs.